About Mary

Mary Martsching - Hostess & Author

Mary Martsching – Hostess & Author

I write for middle-grade students ages 9-12. I love this age group! They face many trials and struggles during these years, and if I can help them through these years through my books, I want to do that.

I taught middle school students for seven years. I saw them struggle with appearance concerns, peer pressure, identity questions, and wanting to feel good about themselves. In my books, I develop characters who struggle with these same problems. Through their struggles and conflicts, my characters grow and discover some solutions and answers to personal problems. Hopefully, my readers can adopt some of these options and actions to their own lives to help them cope with their situations.

As a middle-grade student, what are some problems you struggle with personally? As a parent, what concerns do you see with your child(ren) with their attitudes or actions?

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