On Saturday, July 18, I went to my book signing in the Mount Ayr Public Library from 11:00 – 2:00 pm. It took place during Ayr Days as planned and advertised. However, though five people entered the library area, only two came for my book signing. I appreciated those who visited with me and purchased my two newest books. I also appreciated the three who came to return books and check out other ones.

People who read excite me. Too many literate people choose not to read these days. Research lists many reasons for this, and I may share that information in a later post. For now, I just praise the Lord for my love of reading and writing. I thank Him for the privilege and guidance for writing and publishing three books these last three years. What an accomplishment I never thought would happen!

However, I wonder whether I should continue to write and self-publish anymore books. I question if this ministry should end. I know this lack of turnout for book signings happens, but this makes me consider if the Lord wants me to serve Him through a different venue. I sincerely want to use my gifts and talents to further His kingdom, but at this point, I need to evaluate what to do. If He closes this door, I know He’ll open another. A good steward uses time, talents, and money wisely, and with all the time and money it takes to self-publish, I do not see a return.

I can list reasons for the disappointing turnout on July 18th, but it doesn’t matter. I do know that all the marketing avenues I learn, I apply, and I pray constantly for the Lord to bring people to the events for His sake. The competition is fierce today, and many choices exist for buyers for all types of genres. The lack of sales for my three books over the last three years prompts me to re-evaluate my writing career.

Though I enjoy creating the stories and inserting information about lighthouse keeping within the story content, if those I intend to read these books don’t buy them and read them, my purpose for writing seems unsuccessful. Authors write to convey a message and interact with their readers. If readers do not buy the books and read them, no interaction takes place, and the content lies dormant in print or digital format.

One thing I do know. The Lord seeks those who wish to serve Him and make themselves available for His use. Join me in praying for what His purpose remains for me, and for His direction and guidance, please. Whatever He desires of me will be what He deems best for me.

What about you? Do you feel hindered in fulfilling a ministry for the Lord? Are you considering giving up, and seeking a new endeavor? Please share your struggles and thoughts with me. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my post.

About thehopebeacon

Wecome to my blog! I am a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother who wants to share my lifetime experiences with those who share the same interests and roles. I served as an educator for twenty-one years as both a classroom teacher and an Instructional Services Consultant. Most recently I chose to write children's books. This new path as an author led me to create this website. I seek to inspire, uplift, encourage, and advise those who come here who share common interests or life experiences as myself.
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  1. Elizabeth walsh says:

    Whatever He leads you this part of your journey has inspired me. Thank you


  2. Kathie Patton says:

    So sorry to hear that you didn’t have a good turnout at your book signing, Mary. I know that must have been discouraging to you after all your hard work. That was such a busy week. It was during the Decatur County Fair and I was helping my Great Granddaughter with her projects she was showing at the fair. She showed her calf on Sat. July 18th.Then I helped with Bible school the following week . So just allot going on that week and the weather was so hot!!! Don’t give up Mary you do a great job with your writting. I would love to have came if I could have and I do want to buy one of your books. Could you bring one to the church on Thursday. Keep the faith and keep writting I think it will turn around for you soon. God has a plan!!! ❤ Sending my love and friendship!!
    You are an inspiration to me!!


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